Otto the Book Bear
Teddy Bear Bread

Otto's File Folder Backpack

This recipe was inspired by Otto the Book Bear . To learn more about the book and to see all our Otto the Book Bear activities, click here. 

Before heading out on his biggest adventure ever, Otto packs his bag with special things and sets off to find a new home. Encourage your young reader to turn a few basic supplies into an Otto backpack (maybe a tote as well if there are a lot of special things to pack) and then set off an equally exciting adventure, just maybe not looking for a new home. 

File Folder Backpack

File Folder Backpack


  • File Folder
  • Ribbon
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Decorating Media: crayons, markers, colored pencils, stickers, etc. 
  1.  Cut two lengths of ribbon for the straps. 
  2. Open file folder. Staple ribbon to the top and bottom of the back of the file folder.
  3. Close folder and staple sides. 
  4. Decorate!



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That's a cool idea. I will try that with my nephews. Is the backpack made out or paper or plastic? Did you just tack the ribbons onto that? My nephews will love that!

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